Pie Pictures

Don't you all just love eating some home made pie?
Well, I sure do, and so does Michaela.  She even knows how to eat nearly half a pie in about half a day.  A few weeks ago, Uncle Bobert K from SB was up this way, and we got down to old fashioned pie chuuuing.  The customer "Erin" birthday pie is all his doing, and a fine job he did indeed.  (All of the first three pies below are all Bobert Knieriem, why don't you give him a loud round of applause.)  If you look at the fourth one below, that is when I started cranking them out around Thanksgiving time.
Now if you go way down, there are some brand new photos from June 3rd, 2009.  Those are action shots of pie making.  Going to be a nice warm surprise waiting for Michaela once she arrives.

So, I was asking Bob the other day when his next pie making was going to be and he said he had already made five pies, but was planning another for his mom's birthday.  Which is going on right about now out in the FL.  So either way, I had the request from my wife to make her up some dessert about three nights ago, yet still no pie. So with a few extra quarter hours on my hands, Wednesday afternoon 4pm was the perfect time to get down and dirty with some good old fashioned pie making.  Picked up the apples earlier in the week when I promised to make the pie, so they were all still easy enough to find and get down to business with.  I even figured it was high time to get some footage of an actual pie bake, so the photos to the left are all action shots from an actual pie make.  What I would really like everyone to take note of is the technique used to peel the apples.  I use the East West approach.  What that is to start the apple with a few nice clean strokes of the peeler, some on top and some on the bottom.  This way you don't have to play around with getting those hard to get end spots later on.  I figure it saves me about 5-6 seconds per apple, which means about 30 seconds per pie.  So far, I am thinking I have saved up about 4 1/2 minutes just by using the East West move.  Try it yourself, and tell me how you like it.  For you still wondering about it, the picture with the green apple down below to the left is a classic West cut, you can't see the East peel because its the other end, but trust me, its just as nice looking.  People actually come from all around to check out how to properly perform the East West pie peel.  I thank god every day for knowing how to pull it off time and time again.